Despite its enticing premise and captivating story, and marred by a few significant flaws, such as it’s high price tag, the absence of a hint/clue system, and occasionally poorly connected clues and often overly frustrating experience ,it may satisfy die-hard escape room enthusiasts looking for a cerebral challenge.
Developer – Flat Cat Games
Publisher – Flat Cat games
Platforms – PC (Reviewed)
Review copy given by Developer
As you navigate this abandoned facility ( Known as “The Lab”) and explore and use its sci-fi equipment found within, you are tasked with solving an array of complex puzzles and uncovering the mysteries that shroud your existence. However, while The Lab promises a Mind-puzzling Challenging experience for escape room aficionados, it falls short in some key aspects.
Priced at a premium compared to many other escape room games, it may leave potential players questioning the overall value. While escape room enthusiasts are willing to invest in a quality experience, The Lab’s cost may deter some at $11.69 USD ($15.29 CAD), especially when considering its other shortcomings.
One of the most significant drawbacks is the absence of a hint or clue system. Escape room games often rely on providing subtle nudges to players when they’re stuck, helping to maintain a sense of progression and preventing excessive frustration. Unfortunately, The Lab lacks this essential feature, making it considerably more challenging than necessary, and at times, leaving players stranded with no recourse but to seek external hints.
That said, The Lab does have some redeeming qualities. It boasts a large, intricate complex with various themed rooms, providing an expansive and immersive setting for players to explore. The overarching story is intriguing and manages to maintain players’ engagement throughout the game. It truly caters to escape room lovers, offering a substantial number of puzzles and a captivating narrative.
In conclusion, The Lab – Escape Room is a game that, despite its enticing premise and captivating story, is marred by a few significant flaws. Its high price tag, the absence of a hint/clue system, and occasionally poorly connected clues can make it a challenging and often overly frustrating experience. While it may satisfy die-hard escape room enthusiasts looking for a cerebral challenge, potential players should weigh the cost and consider their tolerance for frustration before diving into this labyrinth.