Since 2013



Rockstar Games Issues Fix From Fan That Reduces Load Times For GTA Online On PC, Xbox One, And PlayStation 4

While Grand Theft Auto V sits to be the crown jewel of the video game industry for being one of the most impressive releases in the past decade, scoring the top selling title which toppled close to a dozen Call of Duty entries, there are still plenty of faults regarding the 2013 release. For one that is a namely characteristic of Grand Theft Auto V are the load times. Even with the new console hardware that pushes the game to boot up in mere seconds, loading is still at the forefront.

Well, loading into GTA Online that is. In average, the game still requires more than a few minutes of your time to queue into a public lobby. However, user t0st has discovered a new way to reduce the load times drastically for the PC version of the game. In a report from PC Gamer, Rockstar Games verified that the developer will be implementing the fan-made fix in a patch.

Now, the patch is live and many players are finding a major change of pace for GTA Online as players are finding the load times to be reduced by roughly 70 percent now. Rockstar had this to say in a statement to the outlet:

After a thorough investigation, we can confirm that player t0st did, in fact, reveal an aspect of the game code related to load times for the PC version of GTA Online that could be improved.  As a result of these investigations, we have made some changes that will be implemented in a forthcoming title update.

Following the update going live, Rockstar Games also happened to reward t0st with a $10,000 reward for his accomplishment on the achievement for the reduced load times. “Just got awarded $10k through their H1 in-game bounty as an exception,” the user writes in an update on the original blog post.

According to the patchwork issued by Rockstar Games on Tuesday, it also discloses that Grand Theft Auto V for Xbox One & PlayStation 4 can also find the update too. In a separate tweet from GTA Series Videos, it is reported that the transition from the story mode to multiplayer – at least on PC – is met with only a 36-second  wait; 1 minute 56 seconds from booting up.

If this is gathered correctly, this will be a major boost right in time for the PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S version arriving later this year. Even more, if the claims are true suggesting Red Dead Redemption II’s update Rage Engine will be utilized in the new versions, Grand Theft Auto V will continue to remain in public eyes for years to come. You can read the full report by heading here.

Are you excited about the reduced load times for Grand Theft Auto V?

Grand Theft Auto V is out now for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One; supported for backwards compatibility for PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S.

Source: PC Gamer

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