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Rocksteady Studios’ Suicide Squad Told To Be A Lighter Tone Than Previous Arkham Games, Developer Shares

In a surprise teaser that was tweeted yesterday, developer Rocksteady Studios unveiled that its next project underway is in fact a Suicide Squad game. Following a band of clues that pointed the possibility of the game to be legitimate, the final reveal was officially made this week. Slated to be shown off during the coming DC Fandome later this month, there is little to no detail on regarding the foundation of this game.

While many fans are speculating the new entry to be a combatant to Crystal Dynamics & Edios Montreal’s Marvel’s Avengers, offering a cooperative experience with a cast of villains for players to pose as, there is no definite evidence to suggest that to be the final product. However, there was on pinch of information to illustrate the direction of the game’s tone.

In a tweet made by Kim MacAskill – the Senior Writer for Rocksteady Studios next project – states the coming title to be a comical experience. “Get ready. It’s funny!,” MacAskill told in the tweet.

Regarding additional information on the new game, the trail ends there. Howbeit, you can look for more tidbits from prior findings that are now accurate following yesterday’s announcement. In that, the domain listing for the game, SuicideSquadKillTheJusticeLeague, insinuates there being a cast featuring both legions of DC Comics’ most notable story arcs. That can also be gathered from the posted for the game posing Superman.

But with the project propped to be a Suicide Squad title in particular, there are no current details suggesting that the Justice League roster will be playable in the full game. With Deathstroke already playable in a previous Arkham entry – Batman: Arkham Origins – it is best to expect the remaining cast of villains to be playable when the game is revealed this month.

What do you hope to see be unveiled for the Suicide Squad game later on?

The DC Fandome is set to take place on August 22, 2020 at 10 AM PST / 1 PM EST.

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