Since 2013



Rollerdrome Announced for Steam, PlayStation 4 & 5, launching August 16, 2022

During Sony’s PlayStation State of Play presentation today a new title named, Rollerdrome has been announced. It’s a unique single player third person action shooter where you are basically killing enemies while you’re on skates. This game also comes from the same developers of OlliOlli known as Roll7.

Here is a brief description of the games setting:

“The year is 2030. In a world where corporations rule and the lines between reality and performance are blurred, the public are kept distracted by the violence and excess of a brutal new blood sport — Rollerdrome. Will you have what it takes to become the Rollerdrome champion and unravel the mysteries behind the Matterhorn corporation’s true intentions?”

Rollerdrome definitely has a retro vibe to it that many people might actually be into and it’s something different from what we’re used to in third person shooters these days.

We don’t know too much about the game besides what was given to us besides the setting, what type of game it is and the small trailer provided below:

Rollerdrome will be releasing on August 16, 2022 for Steam, PlayStation 4 & 5.

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