Since 2013



Rumor: Crytek has not paid any of their workers in months

Crytek, who is known for making Xbox One exclusive, Ryse: Son of Rome has been having troubles as a company the past few months. A Crytek employee posted something on imgur saying “CRYTEK hasn’t paid me (or my coworkers) for almost 6 months. HELP!” This employee talks about some issues with management such as they never give anyone a heads up, and it isn’t clear to me if they are getting paid or even informed from the owners.
Many of my co-workers moved from out of the country to work here and are unable to leave because they cannot afford to get back home due to their wages being withheld for so long. It also seems they are trapped at this place because with the employees try to speak out they get “Thank you for your continued efforts through this difficult time” and “You don’t understand because you don’t see the whole picture like we do— wages are coming soon.”
If this is all true it seems like there is a major problem at Crytek when it comes to getting income in for the employees. “People are still working without pay. This isn’t just here in Germany, this is in all of our offices as far as I can tell.”
You have to imagine if this continues this company will be shut down soon unless someone tries to buy them out whether it’s Sony, Microsoft or even Nintendo.
You can read it all here

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