Since 2013



Rumor: Sony may finally be giving PlayStation Now the option to download games

PlayStation Now has been around for a while now since its release in 2015. The streaming service consists of games from PS2, PS3, and of course PS4 titles and it never stops to impress. Like anything else there has been issues or at least one glaring issue with the service. If you don’t have a high speed internet connection and you are one of the users playing on PlayStation 4 and PC, the latency issues that come with PS Now take away the experience it’s supposed to give.
Thankfully, Reddit user, Satertek discovered a “Download Game” option in the PlayStation Now menu. The button didn’t seem to do anything when hitting it as its not active yet, but the prompt only appears in some games right now and not all.

Sony has done PlayStation Now for 3 years now and it seems like EA is following the same direction with EA Origin Access Premier  and Phil Spencer talked about cloud gaming services briefly at the Xbox E3 2018 Conference. It isn’t shocking to see other companies follow the same direction as PlayStation Now.

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