Since 2013



RuneScape is coming to Mobile Devices

The dream has finally come true for some. One of the most popular and oldest MMORPG, Runescape is coming to mobile later this year and in 2018. Many of you may not know, but there are two different versions of RuneScape out right now. There is RuneScape 3 which is more modern and is disliked by lots of the fanbase and there is Old School RuneScape which is basically the game in 07, but it has new updates that RS3 doesn’t have and it’s arguably more popular.
Here are some Q&A’s Jagex have made:
Is this a separate version of Old School RuneScape/RuneScape?
No, this is the full game! You’ll be able to continue on your mobile where you left off from on your PC.
Great! So how much extra are you charging for this?
The app will be free on iOS and Android, and will mirror your current experience; if you’re a member you’ll be able to access all worlds on the app, if you’re not a member, you’ll be able to access non-members worlds only.
When will the mobile client be available for download?
The mobile client for RuneScape will be available for download in 2018. The mobile client for Old School RuneScape will be available Winter 2017.
When will the beta for Old School RuneScape be available?
The beta for Old School Mobile will be later in 2017.
When will the beta for RuneScape be available?
The beta for RuneScape Mobile will be in 2018.
What will I be able to play on the mobile client?
The mobile client is the same game you play on PC, just with a mobile-optimised interface. You’ll be able to access everything you can on PC on your mobile/tablet.
What will RuneScape Mobile’s interface look like?
RuneScape Mobile is still in development. We’ll be posting regular Developer Blogs to showcase updates and development of key things such as the interface.
How will players be selected for the betas?
We’ll be selecting players based on account history and on device compatibility. All Jagex staff will also be taking part in the betas, as well as selected social influencers for each game.
How can I take part in the beta?
For Old School, head here:
For RuneScape, you’ll want to go here:
This is something that has been wanted by the fans for so long and it’ll be great to see how it works out when the beta launches this Winter and the full version in 2018.

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