Since 2013



Scalebound suffers an unfortunate delay until 2017

Well, not so happy new year from the Scalebound team as they announced today that they will be delaying the game’s release on Xbox One until 2017. In a statement on the game’s official site, the team stated that “In order to deliver on our ambitious vision and ensure that Scalebound lives up to expectations, we will be launching the game in 2017. This will give us the time needed to bring to life all the innovative features and thrilling gameplay experiences that we have planned.”
In Scalebound, we recently learned that our dragon companion Thuban will be able to be customized with different skins and abilities as well as having up to 8 player co-op with four players and four dragons. The dragons do fight on their own while not mounted so it adds another layer of strategy to the mix as well. Set in an RPG setting, Scalebound will feature various quests in an epic storyline that developer Kamiya promises will have us all thankful for the delay to ensure optimal quality.
You can read the full statement from the team here

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