This past February happened to be the Early Access release of SouthPAW Games’ Skul: The Hero Slayer on Steam and the team since then has been tweaking the game to players already enjoying the action platformer providing feedback to better the experience for full launch. Now, the studio has returned with a new announcement to share what is next for the game’s future.
In a new announcement, SouthPAW Games revealed a newly slated roadmap of what players can expect in the coming months for the game alongside some new information regarding more platforms later this year. To kick off the juiciest part of the announcement, the team is looking to this coming October for a full release for Sku: The Hero Slayer, Even more, the team also discloses that consoles can expect a neighboring launch before the year ends.
When considering the amount of content we have planned and the time it will take to develop that, we’re expecting to officially release the game sometime in October. With that being said, we’ve also started to work on the PS4 and Switch ports. We’ll continue development of them in parallel with the PC version and hope to release the console versions soon after the full launch on Steam.
As for the latter of news that was revealed in the new announcement, SouthPAW Games shares that some aspects will be revised now that the game has been in public hands. For starters, combat will be tweaked to offer a slightly harder boost to what users are already accustomed to. Another change is that Witch Trait System is expecting a rework for players to “strategically” enhance their character as they play.
The core gameplay of collecting more abilities through skulls and a larger arsenal of weapons is expected to be dropped in at some point, the team reveals. As for the remaining bullet point for the roadmap, the developer announces that the story is nearly complete to reaching the resolution of the campaign.
During PAX East this year, Rectify Gaming got a hands-on demo of the game to sample what the game offers and experience the unique world created by SouthPAW Games. During the demo, it was said that Skul: The Hero Slayer contradicts standard tropes as the main story “redirects how you would expect the story to be told. You can read the full feature by heading here.
What grabs your attention most with Skul: The Hero Slayer?
Skul: The Hero Slayer is available on PC via Early Access; full release sometime in October; PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch launch in late 2020.
Source: SouthPAW Games