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Skull And Bones Open Beta Coming This Week

Upon proper engagement for Skull and Bones nearing release coming later in February, it will be interesting to see how players will react to the long-awaited release. As many that follow are aware, Skull and Bones remained in development for nearly ten years; initially riding on the hype from Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag which was a stone throw away at the time.

However, the game has been pushed, rebranded, and repurposed into a premium live-service experience. Beyond the base release, Ubisoft promises a plentiful number of content additions for Skull and Bones come post-launch. Recently, the publisher pressed that the plan is to roll out season experiences alongside new story arcs that expand upon the base plot for the game.

This week, Ubisoft returns revealing an open beta for Skull and Bones is set to release this week. Even more, it’s free to those that sign-up across PC as well as console from February 8th to February 11th. You can watch the new trailer in the video below:

“Progress without any time limit until Infamy Brigand (Tier 6 Rank 1). Upon reaching this tier, you will still be able to continue exploring the world of Skull and Bones,” Ubisoft writes. “Your progression will carry over to Launch upon purchase of the game, excluding the Infamy Points earned after Infamy Brigand.Complete feats worthy of an infamous pirate captain and claim rewards which you will be able to use at launch.”

Even more, the open beta will be borderless as it will not require PlayStation Plus or Xbox Live to enjoy, the FAQ shares. “The Skull and Bones Open Beta will be available on PC UBISOFT CONNECT, PS5, XBOX SERIES X|S and PC EPIC GAMES STORE. For PS5 & XBOX SERIES X|S, players will not need to have PS+ / XB Live subscription.” Also adding that this time around – you can share your experiences in-game with no restrictions.

“All content you experience in the Open Beta can be recorded and streamed. We look forward to seeing the content you create ahead of our launch!” What makes this more exciting is the content in the open beta alone. It includes four dynamic events: ‘Ghost Ship, ‘Sea Monster’, Merchant Convoys’, and ‘Elite Warships’. Cross-progressions & cross-play will also be present as well as a fully opened map to give the full experience for Skull and Bones.

What has you interested in the Skull and Bones open beta?

Skull and Bones ships on February 16th, 2024 for Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, and PC.

Source: Ubisoft

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