When engrossing its players with the latest entry, Sonic Frontiers, developer Sonic Team aims to further expand on this vision for the Sega mascot. In post-launch, the Japanese game studio confirmed a post-launch roadmap for Sonic Frontiers will stretch across 2023 promising new add-ons for free. Additionally, the present innovations for Sonic Frontiers was also confirmed to be a blueprint for the games to follow after, the game director confirmed.
So far, content for Sonic Frontiers has remained fairly tame. At release, users that signed-up for the game’s newsletter would receive a free ‘Sonic Adventure 2’ shoes to use in-game. Then later on the ‘Sights, Sounds, & Speed Update’ – the first promise of the roadmap – rolled out featuring a new juke box mode, photo mode, and two challenge modes.
During the recent Sonic Central hosted by Sega, it reveals that a new ‘Sonic’s Birthday Bash Update’ is available for Sonic Frontiers with a slew of new additions to the base game in the free patch.
Birthday Celebration – The Starfall Islands have been decked out to celebrate Sonic’s birthday! Check out the decorations and party with a new costume for Sonic’s big day!
Action Chain Challenge – new challenges have been added to the Open Zones. Aim for the high score!
New Skill: Spin Dash – The legendary Sonic move returns! Unlock the Spin Dash and discover new ways to traverse the Starfall Islands.
New Koco – There’s new kinds of Koco waiting to be found on the Starfall Islands. Keep an eye out for their fun outfits!
New Game + – Relive the story of Sonic Frontiers with all your stats and skills carried over from your previous playthrough.
“We’ve decorated the Starfall Islands in celebration of Sonic’s birthday! There is tons to do with new challenges, new moves, new collectable Koco, and New Game +… all for FREE!” the team writes in a message to its players. This marks the second update of the roadmap as confirmed in the blog post. “Thank you for being part of Sonic’s birthday celebration! Stay tuned for the final content update, coming later this year to Sonic Frontiers for FREE!”
Other small additions featured in the patchwork includes toggling fixed angle when in combat, feature to display completion percentage for each island, new jump & complete stop deceleration ability, new ‘Frontier Elite’ costume, feature to reset clear time for all game modes, and 24 new Juke Box songs added with new Sound Memories for all islands.
Which addition has you most excited for Sonic Frontiers?
Sonic Frontiers is out now for Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, and PC.
Source: Sega