Since 2013



Sony Launches New Dedicated PlayStation App Linking Users Between PS4 & PS5

In preparation for the soon release of the PlayStation 5, Sony is looking to better bridge the transition to the new console generation with a completely new mobile application for PlayStation users. While Sony has been posed be offer a strict divide between the current PlayStation 4 and the approaching PlayStation 5 previously, the firm has opened to the idea of still integrating the current console lifespan leading forward.

Previously, the most note attribute of this comes from learning that Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales will not be a PlayStation 5 exclusive. But instead will also be available on PlayStation 4 too. The same surprisingly can be said for Guerrilla Games’ Horizon: Forbidden West which the firm disclosed around the same time for the standalone title.

Regardless of what launches on which systems, Sony recently launched a new mobile application for both PlayStation 4 & PlayStation 5 owners to utilize. You can watch the trailer in the video below:

As you would expect, the new mobile app can be found on either iOS or Android with a new interface for PlayStation owners to stay connected. Either with new information on the platform, or with their friends, everyone can find a reason to use the app. Interestingly, Sony shares that the separate PS Messages app has been integrated into the new PlayStation app so messaging does not need a second client installed.

Even more, voice chats can now be orchestrated from your mobile device with up to 15 other users. PlayStation Store can also be found as well with purchasing and remote downloads also present. Excitingly, remote launch and space moderation is new features that players can find with the new app when the PlayStation 5 ships.

Elsewhere, Microsoft also launched its own reworked mobile app as part of its universal UI dashboard for the new console generation. You can read the full report on that by heading here.

DO you see yourself installing the new PlayStation app?

Source: PlayStation Blog

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