Nearly two years ago, Square Enix introduced final Fantasy VII Rebirth – the official sequel to 2020’s Final Fantasy VII Remake. As indicated initially, this stands as part two of a three-part series underway at the publisher. In our review for the original, we wrote: “Rich story, great characters, top notch sound and visual design complement the intense and engrossing combat mechanics. An ode to the original while moving the entire story into the modern landscape.”
As for the follow-up, the game is to be the biggest yet- literally. Square Enix continuously touting the physical game being two discs. Not to mention the confirmation for the storage file asking roughly 145 Gb free on PlayStation 5. For eager players looking to get a taste of the newest installment, there is a demo available to play right now.
In an interview with French YouTuber Julien Chieze, game director Naoki Hamaguchi elaborates that work has already commenced on the final entry for the Final Fantasy VII Remake trilogy. You can watch the segment in the video below:
“Of course, I cannot tell you what stage we are at, but we have already made progress on the script and we are thinking about certain developments. When we got to the end of the development for Remake, we started talking about a sequel with [Kazushige] Nojima-san and I think we can say that we are in the same situation today,” Hamaguchi says when pressed on the next game.
And although the third Final Fantasy VII remake is this years away from being realized, there is another project that Square Enix has hinted to after this venture is full completed. In a previous interview, Tetsuya Nomura says that there is still a story to tell for Final Fantasy X-3 which could be revisited after Final Fantasy VII is totally remade. You can read the full report by heading here.
What are you hoping to see from the third Final Fantasy VII remake?
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth launches on February 29, 2023.