Since 2013



Star Wars Battlefront Fighter Squadron Gameplay

After the announcement of Fighter Squadron mode for Star Wars Battlefront we’ve all been waiting for some live action gameplay. This morning live at Gamescom, we finally got our chance. Featuring an epic aerial battle in a ten v ten mode, Fighter Squadron will also contain A.I. fighters throughout the battle as well on each team. At a certain point, we are able to call in back up and the Millenium Falcon makes an appearance. Fully equipped with Harrison Ford voice over, we hear Hans’ classic line of “Never tell me the odds!” as he tries to take down an Imperial Walker.

Star Wars Battlefront releases November 17th and will be available to Xbox One users first five days early via the EA Access program. All pre-orders will include the Battle of Jakku DLC on launch for free two weeks early. It will still be free to all but non pre-orders will need to wait until December 1st. Only three and a half months to go until launch, may the force be with you.

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