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Techland Confirms Latest Xbox & PlayStation To Feature 60 FPS & 4K For Dying Light 2

While given the amount of waiting that Dying Light 2 fans continued to do for the past year or more, developer Techland remained very dormant on providing new details for the upcoming sequel. However, while limited in any updates, the Polish game studio did press that Dying Light 2 is certainly not in development hell. Instead, the firm went ahead announcing the game way ahead of its expected release.

Ad considering the precautions as a pandemic also developed globally, waiting is all fans could do especially now. In a later announcement from Techland, the team addressed that Dying Light 2 is now scheduled to release this year. But, the team continues on asking for fans to wait just a little longer as the firm provides a teaser for a new trailer to the game.

Howbeit, there is new information on the game. Upon speaking with WCCFtech recently, the developer explains that Dying Light 2 will take advantage of the latest console hardware – Xbox Series X|S & PlayStation 5.

Q: Will Dying Light 2 feature a ’60 FPS’ or ‘Performance’ mode option on XSX and PS5? Also, will there be a mode that supports ray tracing on these next-gen consoles?

A: Yes. We plan to allow you to choose: Quality (including ray tracing), Performance (60+ FPS), and 4K. As we are working hard on performance, I cannot provide more details at this point. We try to cram as much as possible onto the next- gens.

Tomasz Szalkowski, Dying Light 2 Rendering Director

The discovery does add some reassurance to fans that waited for the game dating back to E3 2019. With the title being unveiled well before the revealing of either next-generation system, it does add some confidence to fans that were anticipating the game to only arrive to last-generation Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

Noted, Techland also did verify that Dying Light 2 is not coming to all systems. In that, Techland CTO Pawel Rohleder when speaking to WCCFTech previously pressed that the engine used for Dying Light 2 is not compatible to port the game to Nintendo Switch. You can read the full report by heading here.

Are you excited to play Dying Light 2 on the newest consoles?

Dying Light 2 is listed for Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC to arrive later in 2021.

Source: WCCFTech

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