Since 2013



The Escapists 2 Online Multiplayer Trailer Reveals New Features

After the overwhelming success of the first game, The Escapists 2 will launch later this year and finally have online multiplayer. A feature much requested by the game’s fans, The Escapists 2 will allow for online co-op, a Vs. mode as well as allowing for drop-in / drop-out multiplayer. This will let players jump into an existing game, and help out teams which have players disconnect partially through the escape. 
The first game was downloaded over four million times, so there should be plenty of availability online. In addition to PS4, Xbox One and PC, The Escapists 2 will also be launching on the Nintendo Switch for the first time later this year. There will still be the classics of the first game such as crafting tools out of dropped items and transforming a spoon into a tool that is actually useful. Since multiplayer is a new feature in The Escapists 2, Team17 implemented some escape routes that will need multiple players in order to pull off. Even though you can play through the entire game solo rather than with friends online, they will be necessary should you want to pull off certain, more extreme escapes. 
You can check out the trailer below as it details the different types of modes to be included in the game. No release date has been announced yet, but it will release later this year. 

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