Since 2013



The Last of Us and Uncharted Developer Offers to Take Over Half-Life 3

Neil Druckmann, creative director and writer at Naughty Dog, tweeted last week his offer for his studio to take over development of Half-Life 3. Naughty Dog is the developer of highly-reviewed and popular PS4 exclusive titles The Last of Us and the Uncharted series.


Half-Life 2: Episode 2, the most recent installment in the Half-Life franchise, was released in 2007. The highly acclaimed franchise was to receive a third episode to Half-Life 2 in 2008, but that, or the possible sequel Half-Life 3 have been the most conspicuous absence in the world of gaming for most of a decade. Valve, the tight-lipped developer of the Half-Life franchise, aside from a handful of concept art pieces and vague references, has yet to release any concrete information regarding the future of the series. Fans have long voiced their frustrations in forms of organized game-playing campaigns and constant use of the “Half-Life 3 confirmed!” meme, and this tweet seems to be more of the same from a fellow fan in the industry.

Valve has not responded to the request.

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