Since 2013



The Playstation 4.5 looks to be a reality, according to sources.

Multiple sources are putting it out that Sony is really making a more powerful Playstation 4.  Digital Foundry has revealed it’s aware of the mid-generation refresh, that PlayStation R&D labs already have access to the hardware and that multiple sources are referring to it as PlayStation 4K. Here are three possibility’s for it:

More powerful PlayStation:


What we could expect from it:

  • An APU with a higher-end Polaris would push graphics on – a 2x performance boost in GPU power compared to PS4 is achievable in a console form-factor. Possibly more – we really need to see the desktop PC equivalent parts first.
  • By default, Polaris has support for 4K, HDMI 2.0, HDCP 2.2 and HDR.
  • Console would not be cheap owing to the size of the processor – conceivably on par with PS4’s £359/$399 launch price.
  • Possibly higher depending on how much Sony pushes the boat out in terms of processor size and memory allocation.
  • This PS4K could co-exist with a cheaper ‘PS4 Slim’ based on the older APU, again using 14nm/16nm technology.

‘PlayStation 4 evolved’

keyfeaturesWe’d see a new PlayStation playing host to the same titles as the current one, but with visual improvements. The resolution would be beyond 1080p and would not be as expensive as the first option they listed above.

PlayStation plus


One thing about this is that it will be compatible with all 4K televisions. Is making it compatible with 4K televisions a good idea?  There are so many possibilities to what can happen with this future powerful Playstation. I don’t want to push out ideas or get anything wrong, so i’ll leave it up to the company to officially reveal the information for this hardware.
What are your thoughts?

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