Let’s start off this post from a quote taken from Playstation Asia:
“It may be another tacit admission that the Vita is dead, but at least…”
For those not knowing what tacit means, it basically means that it was said or implied without being said. So basically Playstation Asia just said that they pointed out the obvious that everyone thinks its dead, and truthfully, it is. What started as an exciting object for some turned out to be an exciting object……for some.
Whether they wrote this without intentionally admitting that the handheld’s consoles sales had been progressively dropping over several years or not, or that the Vita had not been mentioned at a major convention with significant importance, it’s still a big mistake if it was. Now, this was written over top of Destructoid’s review of a Console port for a Vita game, “Tearaway”, and so maybe what they meant was that the console version was better? (Reaching)
The issue here inlies this, however: If a company admits its product is dead, but is still manufacturing and selling said product…what does that say about the company?