Since 2013



The Taken King Continues To Dazzle With All New Trailer

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Infoplosion for Destiny The Taken King continues as Bungie released a preview trailer today for the first of three Twitch Reveal Broadcast planned to showcase the most talked about additions in this coming expansion.

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As previously address in a Game Informer cover story, Lord Shaxx will have a complete set of Crucible progression where the players can get rewards for playing in the Crucible in other ways besides praying to RNGesus. (a careful eye will see a ghost shell hiding in Shaxx’s goodies tier.)

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The gear in this latest expansion of Destiny is starting to really get players excited as they feature solid alliances for factions. Making life even easier will be the ability for the player to pledge allegiance to a faction so that you don’t have to wear the associated player item to receive credit when turning in bounties.

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Turning in bounties will be easier than ever before as you navigate to a new area in your menu, where Bungie has listened to the player, and have made it where you can turn in bounties from anywhere in game. Gone are the days of flying all the way through waiting screens just to make it back to the town or reef to turn in a bounty and receive credit.

New Quest lines (as shown in the above image) will be explained in more detail tomorrow during the Twitch reveal stream starting at 11:00am PST / 2:00pm EST at

So many things being simplified in this expansion. New players of the game should really thank early adopters for the hard work that went into playing the year one Beta.

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This image should squash all rumor that was surrounding exotics coming/or not to the Taken King. It’s obvious that not only with the previous exotics be coming, but each will also have a very unique set of blue prints that aren’t quite understood at this time.  Again, watching the reveal tomorrow and receive a complete understanding of how these work.

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Finally they showed this image of a fireteam strutting their stuff in the hanger almost as if they just walked off the ship together.

This image brings back my original excitement for the game as speculation swirled on if we would be able to fly a ship in Destiny.
Those feelings were quickly dashed though, as the development team informed that we would not be receiving this chance, at least not at this time.

How would you feel about flying your ship in Destiny?
Could Bungie have something more here that they haven’t told us from this image? Speculation will be put to rest tomorrow during the stream.

Till that time.. may your light remain strong guardians!

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