Since 2013



Tiny Troopers on Windows Phone Passes 1 Million Downloads in 5 Weeks – 3 New Games Coming Soon

In an email to Press, Game Troopers announced that ‘Tiny Troopers’ for Windows Phone had passed over 1,000,000 downloads on the Store since it’s December 4th launch. The game is highly popular from being successful on iOS and Android with the added bonus of Xbox Live integration. Game Troopers are working to bring big hits popular on iOS and Android to Windows Phone and allow Developers to sign up to get the studio to port over your game. “Game Troopers was founded to make it easy for game developers to bring their games to Windows Phone,” said Jesus Bosch, CEO of Game Troopers.  

The studio also confirmed they’ve three games planned to launch on Windows Phone within the next 2 months. They have not confirmed yet which titles those are but there’s a good chance they will feature Xbox Live integration as part of their push to bring highly popular Indies to Windows Phone with Xbox Live integration like Achievements. “Game Troopers plans on launching at least 3 new titles on Windows Phone over the next 2 months.  We are always interested in talking to successful developers about how we can bring their games to the platform and grow their user base,” said Bosch from Game Troopers.

You can download the game for Windows Phone devices here and read the full press release here.

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