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Titanfall 3 Currently Not In The Works Respawn States

As we are already familiar with the surprise release of Respawn Entertainment’s Apex Legends battle royale based in the Titanfall franchise, many who enjoyed the studio’s mascot series are curious about the current status of the title and where it holds at with the launch of the new title.

Since wind picked up about the then-rumored title circulating around Apex Legends this past weekend, fans instantly saw the idea of a battle royale title being factored in from EA since the studio was acquired by EA back in late-2017. But that isn’t the case according to Respawn’s Lead Producer Drew McCoy. Stating that the studio has been working on Apex following Titanfall 2’s 2016 launch instead of a follow-up towards creating a trilogy.

…the world thinks we’re making Titanfall 3 and we’re not – this is what we’re making.

McCoy continued on with his statement saying that two key factors that defied the Titanfall series is also absent from the new battle royale as well: which is the fluid wall-running mechanic and pilot-controlled Titans. Despite these elements missing from Apex Legends, Respawn still holds close to the title and confident of what’s to come from their interpretation of the popular genre.

Shortly after this news started breaking, fans soon began to jump to the conclusion that the future of the Titanfall universe is at its last stop. Assuming that EA’s involvement to having a battle royale title substituting for a Titanfall 2 sequel sacrificed the chances for the series’ next installment to happen ultimately. Enough noise around the idea of Titanfall 3 not becoming a reality resulted in Respawn Head Vince Zampella to make a response to simmer down the growing fire.

Detailing that Respawn is in fact not done with Titanfall and even has something to touch upon coming sometime later in the year. As some already saw how evident that Titanfall wasn’t doomed following Apex’s release, it’s appreciated that Zampella made a statement to reassure worried fans nonetheless.

Seeing how involved Respawn is coming into 2019, it’s a noteworthy mention to remind that two more titles are expected from the developer later in the year. With Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order already known to be in development and Titanfall 3’s current position, what else could be coming this year? If you don’t remember, Respawn revealed their partnership with Facebook-owned Oculus back in late 2017 with little detail on what the new project might be. The best guess is a VR title that will be available for PSVR alongside the different headsets available on PC.

If you’re not too familiar with the new Apex Legends, check out our rundown on the game here.

Apex Legends is out now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

Source: Eurogamer

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