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Ubisoft Reveals October 7th Release Date For Far Cry 6

Rewinding back to last summer, Ubisoft during its second Ubisoft Forward presentation went all out to feature some of the next anticipated releases underway from the publisher. Among the heavy reveals, Far Cry 6 struck many with the surprise casting for Giancarlo Esposito and Anthony Gonzalez for the ruling family of the new setting, Yara.

At the time, the game was scheduled to arrive the approaching February. But, it was later announced that the game alongside Rainbow Six Quarantine will both ship in Q1/Q2 2021. Of course, Q121 is already coming to a close which leaves the latter to occur in all likeliness. For the performance of the next game, Ubisoft anticipate Far Cry 6 to exceed revenue of 2018’s Far Cry 5, the firm told in its earnings call recently.

On Friday, Ubisoft held a brief Far Cry 6 livestream featuring the first look at gameplay and unveiled a new release date aimed for this coming October. You can watch the new trailer in the video below:

An overview for the protagonist Dani Rojas reads as such: “Dani may be a one-guerrilla army, but that doesn’t mean you need to do everything on your own. You can always take an Amigo, a helpful animal companion, along with you, like Juan’s pet crocodile Guapo, who devours enemy soldiers and is even deadlier in the water; or Chorizo, an adorable wiener dog perfect for distracting guards when you want to keep things quiet.”

Additionally, it was also revealed that a comic series based on the coming game is on the way. In collaboration with Dark Horse Comics, the new line is said to feature the antagonists from Far Cry 3, Far Cry 4, Far Cry 5, and Far Cry 6. You can read the full report by heading here.

What has you most excited for Far Cry 6?

Far Cry 6 arrives on October 7, 2021 for Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC, Stadia, and Luna.

Source: Ubisoft
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