Since 2013



Uncharted 4's dialogue options won't change the story



When Sony showed off the last Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End trailer, at PlayStation Experience 2015, they also showed off that the game would have dialogue options like in Mass Effect, however director of Uncharted 4, Neil Druckmann has said that the dialogue options’s won’t change the story much, In a interview with EuroGamer, Neil Druckmann said this. “ The thing I want to make sure we’re clear about is that we’re not making Mass Effect, “Uncharted has a very specific story, it has a very specific ending that’s very definite to the franchise.”  ” Every once in a while we felt a dialogue tree would really bring you more into the scene, there’s something about Sam asking Nate about his old adventures that we like, it would be kind of fun to have Nate – and therefore the player-  pick which story they want to tell first. And there’s a few other instances like that where it felt like a dialogue tree was just going to get you more into the scene and make it more interactive. “ In other words, these choices are there for those who’d like a little more back and forth between the characters – an optional mechanic that’s used to flesh each scenario out.”

Uncharted 4 is supposed to be the final story with Nathan Drake in it, so it does make sense that there’s won’t be two or three endings depending on what you say


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