There was a lot of new information about Final Fantasy XV that was said at the Uncovered: Final Fantasy XV event today, and I mean ALOT. So lets just begin. During the pre-show portion of the stream, It was said that Prompto, and Noctis’ in-game cloths Is available to purchase online. And If sales are good enough more products would be available. A new fan-made calendar was shown off but will only be available at future events and will be downloadable later this year. Hironobu Sakaguchi, yes the person who made Final Fantasy made an appearance on stage, saying how Final Fantasy XV “rediscovered Its true nature” and how the development of the game will bring the same challenges and emotions that the first game had brought to players.
There were a total of 15 announcements said at the event. Some were about the game and some were not. Like a R8 model car that is featured in the game will be made in the real world, but only 1 will be made. A new trailer was featured alongside with small snip-bits of many features of the game.
Believe It or not that was not the biggest part(s) of the event. Now prepare yourselves, your about to be blown away….an anime, movie, mobile game, and demo will be released this year before the actual game comes out. Lets discuss these new developments a little further.
The anime is called Brotherhood, It’s a free 5 part series that explains the origin stories of the 4 main characters. Noctis, Prompto, Ignis, and Gladio. The first episode Is now available online on Youtube. Before the anime was announced we got a taste of the descriptions of these 4 characters. Noctis, if you didn’t know is the main protagonist, the prince who is trying to retake the kingdom Lucis. Ingis seems the “smart guy” of the group and knows what to do in emergencies. Gladio is the “tough guy” of the group, who acts like the bodyguard of the quad-group. And Prompto is just a regular guy, but is more of the jokester of the “bros”.
Kingsglaive Is a full CG movie about what life Is In the kingdom Lucis while Noctis and his friends are away on their adventure. The actors (2 out of 3) who actually came to the event talked about their characters In the movie. Who are these actors? will no other than Lina Heady (plays Luna), Sean Bean (King Regis, Noctis’ dad), and Aaron Paul who plays the main protagonist Nyx. Here Is some backstory.
“The magical kingdom of Lucis is home to the hallowed Crystal, but the menacing empire of Niflheim will stop at nothing to make it theirs. War has raged between the two for as long as most can remember. King Regis of Lucis commands an elite force of soldiers dubbed the Kingsglaive. Wielding their king’s magic, Nyx Ulric and his fellow glaives stand before the crown city of Insomnia, fighting to stay the inexorable advance of Niflheim’s imperial army. Before the overwhelming military might of the empire, King Regis can only salvage his kingdom by accepting an ultimatum—he must cede all lands outside the crown city, and see his son, Prince Noctis, wed to Lady Lunafreya, the former princess of Tenebrae now captive of Niflheim. As the war of wills rages, the machinations of Niflheim transform Insomnia into an awe-inspiring battleground, pulling Nyx into a struggle for the very survival of the kingdom.”
Platinum Demo
As the title suggests, Platinum Demo Is the new demo that came out tonight for Final Fantasy XV. Its available on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 now. This demo however will not be part of the main game at all. Its about Noctis as a kid having dreams. In these dreams you can kill enemies with a toy hammer, turn into different animals, and have a small companion with you the entire game. If you do beat the demo the companion will be available as a DLC character.
Justice Monsters Five
Justice Monsters Five Is a mini-game in Final Fantasy XV, but now Is coming out as a mobile game for IOS, Android, and Windows. It features as a arcade game, a different version of pinball If you will. It looks as If you have to defeat monsters and bosses using different types of characters.
Collectors Editions Games
There are two different types of collectors edition disks. First there Is the Deluxe Edition, which will include steelbook packaging, a new outfit, weapon, and car skin. Also Kingsglaive will be part of the deal.
The Ultimate Collectors Edition includes the Deluxe edition items, a hardcover art book, the games soundtrack, a Play Arts Kai Noctis figure, Brotherhood, and four other game packs. There are only 30,000 up for grabs, and is exclusive to the Square Enix online store.
And now for the biggest news of all…….Final Fantasy XV will be released…….on September 30. So In just In a couple of months the decade old development game will be finally releasing.
With all this new information out and a release date finally confirmed will you be getting the new Final Fantasy game? What are your thoughts about the new content such as a new movie? please tell us all of your opinions.