What I think Sony will show off at E3 2016
It’s almost that time, once again E3 is nearly here. So just like last year where I talked about what to expect from Sony’s E3 keynote, I’ll be doing it again for the company’s E3 keynote for 2016. If you want to read my post last year, you can here http://rectifygaming.com/my-sony-e3-predictions/
PlayStation 4 Neo/4K
The PlayStation Neo/4K has been leaked and rumoured for months, but we don’t actually know all that much about it. We do know that developers will be able to increase the frame-rate and graphics of games, however it appears that Sony has made it so that all games must work on the original PlayStation 4. Also rumored Is the ability to play 4K movies, I can see this happening but I think it will be upscaling from 1080p to 4K, I also think the console will start at $350, which is what the PS4 costs right now and the original PS4 will go down to $300 until they have sold all of the units.
PlayStation VR
Sony has been hard at work on PlayStation VR, and 2016 seems to be the year of VR, with HTC and Samsung and many others releasing VR headsets. Sony however are the only ones making a VR headset for console and also making one of the cheapest gaming VR headsets at €400/$400, along with 70 games so far due for release. I expect Sony to spent a good amount of time on stage talking about the upcoming PSVR.
All about the cloud
Both Sony and Microsoft have been invested in cloud services however, Sony I think have the right idea of cloud entertainment.
PlayStation Now , the company’s gaming service has finally arrived in more European countries after more than a year of just being available in the UK and US, and with more countries to go, I expect Sony to increase the value of the service by putting PS1/PS2 games and maybe PSP and PS Vita games, PS4 games I think will take a few more years till internet connections improve.
PlayStation Vue is the company’s cloud streaming video service , which is available just in the US so far. I don’t expect that to change just because only a few countries have PlayStation Video still, but I do think the company will lower the price just a bit more to increase the value while also increasing the number of channels on the service. We could also see some news about the Play Station Network, as this November is the 10 year anniversary of it being launched.
E3 is first and foremost about games and Sony has always shown off a lot of games, just like at last year’s keynote, where they announce Horizon Zero Dawn, Final Fantasy 7 remake and more.
I expect Sony to bring their A game again to this years conference, showing more Horizon Zero Dawn which is due out this year, along with the Last Guardian, a new God of War game, more Persona 5. Some VR games such as Until Dawn rush of blood , the upcoming Destiny expansion, new IPs from Sucker Punch, Sony Bend Studio and more. While also having a few 3rd games shown off as well. All in all, I think Sony will have another great E3. What do you want Sony to announce at E3?, let us know!.