The developers of World of Tanks are launching an event from May 11 through May 22 which takes place on Mars where players can loot the planet in a specially designed research vehicle and engage in some epic combat.
With a new set of abilities and power-ups, players will have the chance to truly flex their off-world combat skills. Take control of the alien-made “Object” in the centre of the map, hit the opponents with Impulse Gun shots, or just ram them to oblivion, and take advantage of buffs that can give a serious edge in the competition.
To explore the planet, tankers will have access to their own Mars Rover, an innovative six-wheeled research vehicle that’s built to traverse the perilous terrain of Mars. Armed with advanced Impulse Gun technology, players will be able to zap their opponents with ease
This isn’t your usual World of Tanks gameplay, but it looks like a ton of fun.
Source: World of Tanks