Since 2013



World War Z Nearly Sells 2 Million Units In its First Month

Action-packed co-op shooter, World War Z has sold nearly 2 million copies globally in its first month across Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. Saber Interactive, in partnership with Focus Home Interactive, has released a new accolades trailer for the game in celebration.

Here is what SVP, Josh Austin had to say:

World War Z has fast become one of our most successful interactive games to date. It’s a testament to both the incredible co-op action experience that Saber Interactive and Focus Home Interactive have crafted, as well as the strong appeal of our hit franchise with fans across the globe,” said Josh Austin, SVP, WW Licensing and Interactive at Paramount Pictures.

Saber had recently revealed the first season of free content heading to World War Z in the coming months, including a brand-new Tokyo mission, a deadly new zombie type, six-skull difficulty setting, Weekly Challenge mode and bonus cosmetics. Future free updates will have a wave-based survival mode, private lobbies, the ability to switch classes during PvPvZ matches, field of view and level of detail sliders on PC and more.

World War Z is available digitally and physical for PlayStation 4 & Xbox One for $39.99 and Windows PC via the Epic Games store for $34.99.

This generation it has been hard to find a zombie game that everyone loves especially since we haven’t seen any news on another Left 4 Dead. It looks like World War Z is becoming a hit so far.

You can check out our review of World War Z here.

*Information provided from press release

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