Since 2013



Xbox 360 preview members can now send gift cards in a Xbox Live Message

If you are a Xbox 360 preview member and you live in the UK, US, Canada, France or Germany, you are now able to send gift cards as a Xbox Live message up to $100, which the person who you are sending it to, can buy Apps,Games,Music, Movies on Microsoft’s online stores (does not work on however) , there is also no expiration date or fees. Hopefully Microsoft will allow Xbox One preview members to do this as well, as it’s something I know a lot of us have been waiting for. If you want to send someone a gift card by using Xbox Live message, all you have to do is go to Social twist or the Xbox Guide, select the profile of the person you want to send a gift card to, then select send gift and just pick how much, confirm the purchase, and you are done!.


Xbox gift card message

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