Since 2013



Xbox Will No Longer Charge Immediately For Pre-Orders

The way that Xbox users pre-order games is changing according to Mike Ybarra.
In an announcement yesterday, that detailed the latest update to the Xbox Preview program an interesting announcement was included about how pre-ordering games is going to work in the future.
When purchasinGame Pre-orders When purchasing a game pre-order, funds may no longer be deducted from your account immediately (depending on when the game pre-order is purchased). Pre-order funds will now be deducted from your account 10 days or less prior to the game’s release date. g a game pre-order funds may no longer be deducted from your account immediately (depending on when the game pre-order is purchased). Pre-order funds will now be deducted from your account 10 days or less prior to the game’s release date.
This is a huge change from the standard procedure that digital stores usually use. By not charging customers immediately it is hoped that will limit the requests for refunds as it will allow gamers to track down any better deals.
This change is a welcome addition to the Preview Program and when the update rolls out in July to Xbox as a whole.

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