Since 2013



Concurrent Player Count On Steam Reaches New Peak In The Heat Of Coronavirus Outbreak

It’s evidently clear how big of an impact the widespread COVID-19 virus has become on social interactions these past few weeks. Government figures and health officials advise that everyone should bulk up on food and supplies to shut themselves in to properly let the ailment run its course and in the effort contain the disease from further contaminating the population. So elements of social distancing has been encouraged to adopt for the time being.

One way to pass time until we can return to how society was structured before is playing video games. The digital market has witnessed large quantities of users racing online as of recently; more than the usual. So it is expected that with these additional influx of players online will rack in player counts higher than initially precedented on all platforms across.

For the sake of Steam on PC, this actually tuned in a new peak concurrent record for the storefront. According to a brief report made by Nike Partners’ David “ZhugeEX” Ahmad on Twitter, player count has exceeded 22 million for the first time in history.

Following in the thread, Ahmad discloses that this has been a trend leading from the beginning of the year with certain titles that encouraged more players to be online such as January for PUBG. Following on, national governments establishing efforts to withhold more people from spreading the coronavirus also is suspected to be another symptom of the new peaked player count on Steam, Ahmad suggests.

It wasn’t until this past week, March 21st, that the new record of players online exceeded its previous milestone: Ahmad tells that the release of Doom Eternal is the reasoning for the extra surge of players. That is only to contest for Steam as other platforms are also expected to receive similar traits of growing player counts in the past month now.

Elsewhere, it was reported that despite the tension surrounding the novel Coronavirus, that did not halt commercial success for this past weekend. Both Bethesda’s Doom Eternal alongside Nintendo’s Animal Crossing: New Horizons have topped the sales charts in the UK, according to GfK. You can read the full report by heading here.

Have you been busy online this past weekend?

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