When reflecting on some projects that BioWare has worked on in the past decade, there is only a handful to consider. Titles such as Mass Effect Andromeda, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Anthem, and Mass Effect: Legendary Edition are that come to mind. But, there is more of its repertoire that is on the way from the Electronic Arts team.
Previously, BioWare confirmed the next Dragon Age title is to be dubbed ‘Dragon Age: Dreadwolf’. However, there is still no confident release date for the newest installment. Additionally, Mass Effect is in a similar situation as the next mainline entry was pressed to be in “early development” as of June 2022. But, the team’s plate might free up fairly soon.
According to IGN, publisher Electronic Arts are discussing BioWare’s ongoing Star Wars: The Old Republic to be handed to a new studio as BioWare keeps its view on its upcoming projects. The game has been handled by BioWare since its inception in 2011 and is possibly told to be helmed by Broadsword Online Games, the report tells. The publisher in response made a statement:
Almost 12 years after launch, Star Wars: The Old Republic remains a success and continues to grow its dedicated and passionate community. We’re so proud of the work the team has done, and the future of the game and the community continues to be very bright. We’re evaluating how we give the game and the team the best opportunity to grow and evolve, which includes conversations with Broadsword, a boutique studio that specializes in delivering online, community-driven experiences. Our goal is to do what is best for the game and its players.
As for other projects that could be considered to be overseen by BioWare, a previous statement by Mass Effect: Legendary Edition project director Mac Walters told that the team is considering multiplayer for Mass Effect 3 in the compilation bundle. Howbeit, there has been little update on if the desire will be truly realized now years later.
Other recent BioWare updates came in the form of BioWare Points being shuttered for legacy BioWare titles. The virtual currency was used to purchase additional content on older Mass Effect/Dragon Age titles. But, BioWare did address the DLC would instead be free following the decision’s execution. You can read the full report by heading here.
Are you surprised by the recent development on Star Wars: The Old Republic?
Star Wars: The Old Republic is out now for PC.
Source: IGN