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Monster Hunter Rise Receives Xbox/PlayStation Ports Slated For January Release, Launches On Xbox Game Pass

For the Monster Hunter franchise, many fell in love with the formula introduced came Monster Hunter World. But to succeed that, Capcom welcomed Monster Hunter Rise. Originally, the game launched as a Nintendo Switch exclusive which surprised many following the multiplatform success that the predecessor was.

However, it was not long until Capcom confirmed a PC version of the game will be coming later on. So now, users can experience the same excitement behind a keyboard & mouse with more flexible system options. Additionally, summer 2022 welcomed the long-awaited expansion for Monster Hunter Rise ‘Sunbreak’. With it came a new story, settings, and reason to rank up.

Now this week, Capcom announces that Monster Hunter Rise will be coming to PlayStation, Xbox, and Xbox Game Pass. You can watch the reveal trailer in the video below:

Monster Hunter Rise will launch will all free updates up to Version 10, meaning that it will include monsters and Event Quests that were added to the Nintendo Switch and Steam versions of the game after launch. There are some great collaboration quests with fun rewards, so be sure to check them out!” the blog post reads.

“The massive Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak expansion is coming in Spring 2023 and adds a new main story with plenty of monsters and new Master Rank challenges to take on. So once you’ve climbed to the top of High Rank in the base game, there will be more hunts on the horizon.”

This is not the first instance a Nintendo Switch title broke into other platform territory. Previously, Marvelous & Grasshopper Manufacturer shipped No More Heroes III for Xbox, PlayStation, and PC this October. You can read the full report by heading here.

Are you excited to see Monster Hunter Rise now coming to more consoles?

Monster Hunter Rise comes to Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5 on January 20, 2023; available now for Nintendo Switch & PC.

Source: Capcom

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