Since 2013



Mouse And Keyboard Support Officially Coming To Xbox

Reported by Windows Central back in June, Microsoft was working on a partnership with Razer to bring mouse and keyboard support to Xbox One. It was shown in the presentation that both of Razer’s Blackwidow and the Turret will be compatible to use on Microsoft’s console. As well as support for USB mice, making this feature nearly universal for any mouse.

During the latest Inside Xbox, it was revealed that the report was true and we will see support coming to the platform in the coming months. Certain Xbox Insiders will have the option for the new feature in the upcoming weeks.

It’s said that not only their partnership with Razer will provide the best hardware for Xbox mouse and keyboard support, but it was mentioned that any USB keyboard will be compatible with the feature. Making support more available to those who don’t plan on buying the featured accessories.

For those who are worried of players who will take advantage of the feature against using a controller, you’re not the only one. It was revealed previously that the option for keyboard and support is determined by the game’s developer. If they choose to implement the feature, then that’s when you should worry. What happens when the game seems unfair? The studio behind the game can decide to not add the extra support.

Confirmed to be the first title introducing the feature is Digital Extremes’ Warframe. Which members of the Insider Program will be testing out the feature in the next few weeks.

More on mouse and keyboard support will be revealed in November on the month’s edition of Inside Xbox. More details along with some titles will get debuted.

Source: Inside Xbox

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