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Nioh 2 Shared To Receive Photo Mode In New Update Today, DLC To Arrive Later On In 2020

March despite the ongoing increase of cases spawned from COVID-19 and closure of approaching events did not sabotage the anticipation for the release of Team Ninja’s Nioh 2. The sequel held to be a very look forward to launch for fans of the initial title which shipped back in 2017. Preparing for the game’s arrival back in November, an online beta for the game shipped for players to test the waters for the debut of Nioh 2 the coming year.

Now as we have reached the two month mark for the game, developer Team Ninja wants to thank the followers and fans that have supported the game leading to today’s announcement. In a new blog post, the Japanese studio reveals that a new update will be launching today offering photo mode to the experience. This allowing players to capture their adventures in-game with specialized settings to properly photograph you time playing.

More on, Team Ninja shares that the developer is planning to release three story add-ons for the game throughout the course of 2020.

We’re planning to release a total of three sizable & badass DLC batches over the next several months to provide you guys with additional challenges to keep you on the edge-of-your-seat. There will be new storylines, new yokai, ferocious new bosses, Guardian Spirits, new skills, fresh armor and a new weapon that alters the performance of skills outside of set stances.

More context on added playable content, Team Ninja tells that today’s update will also include nine submissions to further the experience many have shared to love with Nioh 2. Further down the line, the added content is also told to ante up the difficulty when each story expansion ships in the latter of 2020.

New difficulty modes are expected to arrive alongside additional end-game experience to further your playtime if you already approached the ending of Nioh 2’s story mode. The first DLC titled ‘The Tengu’s Disciple’ is framed to ship this coming summer on July 30. Following content is expected to arrive later on well into the holiday season.

If you have yet to tread into the second Nioh installment from Team Ninja, I suggest you go ahead and read our full review for the game. Rectify Gaming’s David Rodriguez shares his experience to offer “gameplay features, a great an expansive new campaign, and tons of quality of life updates truly help Nioh 2 stand above it’s predecessor.”

Are you excited to see the first DLC for the game later this summer?

Nioh 2 is out now or PlayStation 4.

Sorurce: PlayStation Blog

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