Next month is set to debut Hideo Kojima’s first title after his separation with Konami back in 2015, and anticipating fans on PlayStation 4 are patiently waiting for Death Stranding, the game’s journey is not over for Sony’s console. Instead the game still has more fans waiting as it was announced today that the title will also be releasing for PC this coming Summer next year in 2020.
Italian journalist Antonio Fucito, the same person who leaked the November-scheduled launch for Death Stranding also shared that the game is expected to receive a keyboard & mouse port as well. Kojima Productions made this announcement on Twitter verifying the previous rumor.
Thanks to all of you who have been supporting #DEATHSTRANDING!
DEATH STRANDING release on PS4 is November 8, 2019!!
Furthermore, KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS is happy to announce that DEATH STRANDING will be coming to PC in early summer of 2020!!#kojimaproductions #deathstrandingpc— KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS (Eng) (@KojiPro2015_EN) October 28, 2019
This looks to be an interesting story for Kojima’s project seeing that media outlets are now reflecting on the plans he organized with Sony Interactive Entertainment prior to his departure from Konami. Upon the discussion of the then-proposed new studio for Kojima, it was detailed that the unannounced project would also receive a PC version atop of being crafted for PlayStation 4.
However, where this game will land respectably could be on more than one storefront. Generally, we expect the game to arrive on Steam as would most titles, but the chances for the Epic Games Store is also in the air as well seeing the marketplace’s raising popularity with timed-exclusives.
One far shot would also be the inclusion of Google Stadia according to speculation dating a few months back. Previously in July, Stadia Games and Entertainment head Jade Raymond visited Kojima Productions for unknown reasons; possibly hinting at the game’s plausible addition to the new streaming service? Time will tell if that is the case.
What system do you plan on picking Death Stranding for?
Death Stranding will release for PlayStation 4 on November 8, 2019.