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PlayStation Requirements To Favor Activision Acquisition By Microsoft Lists No Hardware Enhancements, Exclusive Content, Or Xbox Game Pass Benefits

For good reason, there is an understanding precedent when being concerned towards the Activision Blizzard acquisition by Microsoft. For roughly $70 billion, there is certainly something the Xbox firm has planned for this latest transaction. So far, Microsoft Gaming CEO Phil Spencer has indicated the desire hovers over the mobile gaming venture and PC games already established by the publisher.

Of course, Xbox Game Pass is also a forefront pursuit. Spencer in a separate instance confirmed this by sharing his desire to make current IPs like Call of Duty even more popular whilst supporting new franchises like Starfield the same way. Not only that, the firm has confirmed more than once it would honor any marketing arrangements with other platforms.

Even President Brad Smith verified that major series won’t break its multiplatform ties. According to the new CMA documentation provided in regards to the recent acquisition probe on Microsoft, there is one section that lists requirements from the PlayStation firm in which they allow the purchase to go through:

Third-party views also covered the Merged Entity’s ability to engage in partial foreclosure strategies. SIE told the CMA that, even if CoD games remained available on PlayStation following the Merger, the Merged Entity would still be able to engage in partial foreclosure by increasing the differentiation between the versions of CoD available on Xbox and on PlayStation. According to SIE, gamers may expect that CoD on Xbox will include extra content and enhanced interoperability with the console hardware, in addition to any benefits from membership in XGP. SIE submitted that these factors are likely to influence gamers’ choice of console.

Gathered from the document, the CMA states Sony Interactive Entertainment will bypass the purchase of Activision Blizzard under three circumstances. The first listing that there will be no unique content for published titles on Xbox that is not available on PlayStation as well. Second noting that there will be no enhancements on Xbox hardware which is not provided to PlayStation too.

The third continues by phrasing that perks on Xbox Game Pass will not be permitted. Besides that, what Sony’s asking for is not much. Howbeit, these requirements are a hard pill to swallow for Microsoft if coining on following this path. But, some of what the PlayStation firm is listing has acted on these with marketing deals with Activision in the past.

This includes unique content for Call of Duty which would remain for a year. Of course, there is also timed releases as well with one still active – GhostWire Tokyo. For Sony Interactive Entertainment to act on these then instruct Microsoft not to do this with its own properties if the transaction goes through is questionable to say the least.

Do you agree with these requirements Sony asks Microsoft?

Source: United Kingdom’s Competition and Markets Authority

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