Since 2013



Sony Announces State of Play, First Episode Will Be March 25th

Today, Sony announced State of Play which is a new video program where the first episode kicks off on March 25 at 2 PM Pacific Time and 5 PM Eastern Time. What exactly is State of Play? It’s a show that will give you updates and announcements from the world of PlayStation, Sony says. The first episode will showoff upcoming PlayStation 4 and PlayStation VR software, including new game reveals, new trailers, and new gameplay footage.

The shows will be live on Twitch, YouTube, Twitter and Facebook worldwide.

If you have watched Inside Xbox since 2018 this is basically Sony’s version of that maybe with a twist. Microsoft has had good episodes of their video program, but at times it seemed they would drag out too long. We’ll see how Sony will do with State of Play and how long their episodes will be and what type of information will be revealed. We could see release dates announced for some major titles since they are skipping E3 2019.

Nintendo has been doing video programs for a while with the Nintendo Direct and they have been very successful with keeping the hype up of announcements and more importantly keeping the fans engaged.


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