The PlayStation 5 has officially been public knowledge for a couple of weeks now as some of the hardware’s coming properties has been unveiled for release when the next-generation console ships later this holiday season. But, there is still much to learn of what Sony plans to market the new platform. Disregarding some of the vaguer gray areas concerning the system’s technological architecture, there are other aspects of the PlayStation 5 left unknown.
One thing in particular is the cases for the new console: with the iconic blue case that Sony has continued to market its current PlayStation 4, it is inquired if the firm will continue to carry that portion of the PlayStation legacy for the newest iteration for the coming generation. In practice, Sony will be doing just that, but there is a major difference between the current and coming cases for PlayStation 5.
Evidently, that is the title header on the case’s face as Sony shared earlier today. While the case still retains its blue body, the front of the casing is fully white – abandoning the blue fill on the top segment of the cover. The expected ‘PS5’ logo can also be found on there as well. Sony introduced the new look with the box art for Insomniac Games’ Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales.
You can view the image of the PlayStation 5 cover in the image below:

The box art itself as would be expected seeing that the project is a standalone title that will ship at launch of the PlayStation 5 uniquely. But the change of the blue on the front to white surely creates a gap between opinions on the decision. Some fans are welcoming to the look while others are not so eager for the new change.
It has yet to be disclosed what Microsoft will do to decorate their cases this generation, but there is some tangible designs that have seeped through the cracks. Back in May, the logos for Xbox Series X have leaked online via trademarks submitted by Microsoft. So the design to indicate the new console is presumed to be on the front of the new cases when the firm decides to reveal the images officially.
In other PlayStation 5-related news, it was reported that the recent showcase for the coming console did not reveal all that is planned for the next-generation from Sony. You can read the full report by heading here.
What are your thoughts on the look for the PlayStation 5 case cover?
PlayStation 5 is framed to arrive in holiday 2020.
Source: PlayStation Blog