Since 2013



Walmart could stop selling physical Xbox games in 2024

Buying physical media such as DVDs is coming to an end for Best Buy by the end of Q1 2024 and it looks like Walmart might stop selling physical Xbox games in the near future. After the report of Best Buy stopping sales of all types of physical DVDs, the CEO of Limited Run Games, Josh Fairhurst has come out and claimed Walmart might be next to make some changes.

Josh Fairhurst, the owner of Limited Run Games, sells physical copies of games, which are often limited in quantity says he heard rumblings of Walmart dropping physical Xbox games soon. He also says he imagines further cuts to physical gaming sections will be made as the year goes on.

With a move like this potentially happening, it might benefit a company like Limited Run Games, but that remains to be seen. It’s also not shocking to see a company like Microsoft doing this as they plan on releasing an Xbox Series X Digital Edition in 2024, according to recent leaks.

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