Alike many of our favorite video games from when we were children, a handful of them are scheduled to receive television adaptations such as Netflix’s Castlevania for instance or the recently disclosed Dragon’s Lair Live Action project with the streaming conglomerate. Even more, there are other individuals in the industry that grew up on these titles and strive to potentially acquire the go to make their dream a reality.
According to Ben Mekler, writer for countless shows like TBS’ Final Space Dreamworks’ Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts shared a list of titles he would like to be involved into bringing to the living room screen.
Following the post he made is a stranding post where Mekler goes on to state that he might “already trying on at least one of these.” In a response to the initial post, someone tagged other Ocean’s Studio Head Mike Mika on perhaps helping on the situation at hand. Where Mika responded that “we can help with some of those…”
Atop of the already listed programs that Mekler is involved in, he has also wrote a few episodes for Cartoon Network’s Clarence and was helmed as head writer for Nerdist News alongside miniseries Team Nerdist, according to his IMDb.
Aside from Mekler’s statement that he is looking to working on one of the listed games, there is now steady foundation on what project he will tackle first. But regardless of the one that comes first, his involvement with similar cartoon media will surely translate well to the game’s he set his ambitions for. Mortal Kombat happens to be the only one listed to already be receiving an animated film from Warner Bros. Animation.
This is not the first time that a Writer has used the means of Twitter to share their desire to work on a video game-related project. Just last year, Star Wars: Rogue One Writer Gary Whitta shared his interest in penning a script for a Star Fox film. You can read the full report by heading here.
Which game listed would you like to see receive a television series first?