Since 2013



Five Nights at Freddy’s: Into the Pit Walkthrough – Night Four

Oswald has now rescued Mike and Chip on his journey to find Dad somewhere in Freddy Fazbear’s. While doing so he has lured Chica and Bonnie with one more important animatronic to run into. Night Four starts to get better as Oswald gets close to finding where his Father is. 

If you haven’t already, check out our Walkthrough for Five Nights at Freddy’s: Into the Pit Night One, Night Two, and Night Three.

How To Complete Day Four

Night Four will start at Oswald’s House, where he’ll be in the bedroom with his cat, which you can pet, just like the previous two days. You’ll be tasked with ‘Leave For School’. You can leave the house using the front door through the Living Room. Exit Oswald’s House and head to School.

fnaf into the pit walkthrough night four

Once you’re in School you’ll have to walk to Class, but as you walk you will run into Dylan and the bullies calling Oswald a raccoon. While this sequence goes on with the kids in school Oswald will start seeing Chica, Freddy, Bonnie, and other animatronics all around him. He will then punch Dylan and you will now have to go to Jeff’s Pizza and go to the Ball Pit

fnaf into the pit walkthrough night four

Once you go into the Ball Pit you’ll have to ‘Investigate The Scream’ which indicates another kid is trapped by another animatronic. To Investigate The Scream you’ll have to go to the Dining Area head to Party Hallway and then go to the first door you see north of your screen. That will lead you into the Storage Room

Once you are in the Storage Room go to the door on the right that would lead to the Security room. This will be your first introduction to Freddy and now you’ll have to lure him out. 

How To Lure The Bear Out Of Security

After encountering Freddy, Oswald will need to ‘Find Something To Lure The Bear Out‘ to lure him out. Next, go to the pile of presents to the left of the Storage room and you’ll see an option to search. A Toy Freddy should come out of it and you’ll need this to get the Firecracker from Jet.

fnaf into the pit walkthrough night four

Head back to the Ball Pit and leave Jeff’s Pizza. Go to the Library where Jet – The Firecracker Kid will be waiting. Talk to him and he will trade Oswald a Firecracker for Toy Freddy.

After some dialogue, Oswald’s “Dad” will drag him home, and now you’ll have to escape your house another time. You can escape home easily by walking out of the living room front door. This will now begin Night Four in FNAF: Into the Pit. 

Once you escape home head back to the pizzeria and go through the Ball Pit. Go to the Storage room at Freddy Fazbear’s and walk up to the Security door and Oswald will automatically put down the Firecracker.

The Security door will open and Oswald will run into the Security room. 

How To Finish Night Four

Now that you are in the Security Room there will be a kid crying in the corner. You’ll see the kid next to a set of lockers and Dad’s Wedding Ring which you can pick up

five nights at freddy's into the pit walkthrough night four

Speak to the terrified kid and after talking you will need to check the security cameras on the monitors. Once you take a look at the Entrance camera, Yellow Rabbit will come to attack you. Oswald will try to urge the terrified kid they need to get out of there. Now you’ll be tasked with ‘Distract Yellow Rabbit’.

Leave Security and go to the Party Hallway to turn on the ice cream machine at the other end of the hallway to make noise. This will distract the creature. Now go back to the Security Room, you’ll see the kid is not there anymore. Check the cameras and look at the Party Hallway camera. 

You will see Yellow Rabbit has a hold of the kid. The animatronic took the kid into the Kitchen and placed her in the freezer. Go to the Kitchen through the door on the right. Walk up to the freezer door and you’ll notice Oswald can’t open the metal door. He will need a tool.

five nights at freddy's into the pit walkthrough night four

The tool needed is the Hammer that was on the arcade machine Bonnie was occupying earlier in the game. Head to the Arcade to grab the Hammer from the Arcade Machine. Go back to the Kitchen and use the Hammer on the Freezer door and that will free the kidnapped kid. 

Yellow Rabbit will walk into the Kitchen trying to strangle Oswald again. Quickly press the action button to Escape and head to the Ball Pit room. Jump into the Ball Pit and this will conclude Night Four in Five Nights at Freddy’s: Into the Pit. 


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