Since 2013



IO Interactive Puts Hitman On Ice As Agent 47 Takes Priority, New Istanbul Studio Opens

Among the projects cooking at IO Interactive, the most recent is its accumulation of the Hitman property into one sole experience, Hitman: World of Assassination. This new move orchestrated back in January bridges the original trilogy into one mainline package for fans to jump to. Of course, that is not the only thing on the horizon from the game studio.

Previously, IO Interactive confirmed a new property is in the works with James Bond being the new starring lead. Yes, announcing Project 007 IO Interactive will be creating a new universe with the same formula from its Hitman franchise. In the past, IO INteractive did confirm efforts to conjure a trilogy as well. Not to mention the most recent announcement on the new Project Fantasy title also in development.

And while the team begins to stack its projects high, some are being put on ice. When speaking to Eurogamer, the developer confirms Project 007 is to take priority for now while the team still incubates on Project Fantasy as well. 

And then at some point, obviously, as any creative, it would be nice to then go in and say, ‘Okay, well, with everything we’ve learned, what would that be if we had to re-articulate a sandbox – what would that look like?’ Right now a major, major new Hitman game: that’s a little bit on hiatus, as we’re building another agent fantasy that’s also taking up a lot of our time. But obviously we’ll come back to beloved Agent 47. He’s still very much in the heart of this company.

Christain Elverdam, IO Interactive Chief Creative Officer

Of course, this is as expected as Hitman has remained a staple franchise for IO Interactive for nearly a decade. And now with the success of the trilogy, new IP is the current move. In the past, he developer has confirmed efforts to ship new projects alongside Project 007. So far, the only other evidence is the rating for freedom fighters back in fall 2020.

Additionally, IO Interactive this week went on to confirm a new forming for IOI Istanbul. “The mission of IOI Istanbul is to establish a hub for AAA game development in the region and create unique game experiences for our players across the world.” The press release says on the new studio opening.

What are your thoughts on IO Interactive expanding to new IP outside of Hitman?

Source: Eurogamer, IO Interactive

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