Since 2013


nintendo switch 2 mouse

Nintendo Switch 2 Trailer Potentially Teases Surprise Feature

The Nintendo Switch 2 trailer only lasted for just above two minutes and it did show what the console will look like as a handheld and when it is docked. There are a lot of similarities to the Nintendo Switch 1 however, the console is bigger including the Joy-Cons which may have a new surprise feature.

It was already rumored the Switch 2 Joy-Cons will have a mouse feature where you can use one of the controllers as a mouse like you would on a PC. During the trailer, there was a segment around the 1:14 mark that had both Joy-Cons swerving like they were actual mice.

Every leak that has come out for the Nintendo Switch 2 has been spot on and it looks like the surprise mouse feature is legit. Nintendo likely will not share what this feature looks like when playing games until April 2, 2025, when the Switch 2 Direct takes place.

In other news, the Switch 2 trailer teased what looks to be Mario Kart 9 which would have 24-player races and an updated art design.

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