Since 2013



Skulls & Bones Has Been Delayed

Upcoming online naval open world game set during the golden age, Skulls and Bones has been delayed. Today, through a tweet the team had announced that they will be pushing the game’s arrival back and we will not see the game at E3 next month. With the delay it will help the team make the game as good as it can be and quality is important to them.

With Ubisoft’s E3 conference coming around next month this was one game we thought we’d see there and a game that would be playable, but it looks like that won’t be the case. It’s fair to assume at this point Skulls and Bones will be ready for the next generation which isn’t that far away. Ubisoft should have an interesting briefing next month since Watch Dogs 3 and Splinter Cell are both rumored to be there.

Skulls & Bones was originally planned for a 2019 release date and will now launch after March 2020.

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