For decades, Square Enix & PlayStation has maintained a form of cordialship between both firms when it comes to major releases. And this continued for the past handful of years. During the initial arrival for Final Fantasy VII Remake, the game was unique to the platform for roughly a year. Of course, this was prior to the launch of the game on PC following with Intergrade.
Additionally, Square Enix & Sony Interactive Entertainment further established this with the arrival of Final Fantasy XVI – which was only six months, information revealed. However, the most eye-opening has to be from Luminous Productions’ Forspoken. Ahead of the reveal, it shared the title would only be a console exclusive for two years leading into 2025, a trailer shared.
Now this week following the PlayStation State of Play, Square Enix issues one of the shortest exclusive deals for its titles yet. In the trailer for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, the end of the trailer shares a unique release on PlayStation 5 is only live for three months. You can watch the trailer in the video below:
“Not available on other formats at least until 02.29.2024,” the subtext on the trailer reads. Likely, this statement is nodding to an inevitable PC release for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. But, many are hoping it entails the official debut for Xbox on the remake series. Previously Square Enix established that the publisher is to explore platform more as its IPs open up to Xbox.
Even more, this is to debut with Final Fantasy XIV Online. Next year, the ongoing online experience is to be inaugurated for Xbox after years of fans asking Square Enix to open up to the Microsoft console. You can read the full report by heading here.
What has you most interested on the decision for the limited exclusivity date for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth?
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth launches on February 29, 2024 for PlayStation 5.