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Five Nights at Freddy’s: Into the Pit Walkthrough – Night Five

The Fifth and final night in Five Nights at Freddy’s: Into the Pit has arrived. Oswald has rescued the kids that were kidnapped by the animatronics and now he hopes to finish his quest to save Dad who is somewhere trapped in Freddy Fazbear’s.

If you haven’t already, check out our Walkthrough for Five Nights at Freddy’s: Into the Pit Night OneNight Two, Night Three, and Night Four.

How To Complete Night Five

The Fifth night is the end of Oswald’s journey and when you start the Day you will be at your house. You will be tasked with going to the Ball Pit. Head to Jeff’s Pizza and walk to the door that leads into the Ball Pit. You will see it is locked and you’ll need a key from Jeff.

five nights at freddy's into the pit walkthrough night five

Jeff is located in his office playing Solitaire. His office is in the same location as the Security room at Freddy Fazbear’s. Oswald will speak to him and get the Ball Pit Door Key. Once that is obtained run to the Ball Pit as Yellow Rabbit will be chasing you. Get to the Door and quickly press the action button.

Head down into the Ball Pit and you are now tasked with ‘Find Dad’. Yellow Rabbit will still be chasing after you. Find a place to hide in Freddy Fazbear’s. A good place to hide is in the Vents in the Storage Room.

five nights at freddy's into the pit walkthrough night five

Once the area is clear go to the Party Hallway and head to the far left of the room. Walk up to the door and there will be a Trapped Girl in the Party Room. Now go into the vent that is next to the table with the ice cream machine. This will take you to the Basement. Head to the left and that will take you Backstage.

In the Backstage there is a pile of animatronic parts. Interactive with the pile and you will obtain the Party Room Keycard. Once you get the Keycard head back to the Basement. Use the vent you came out of earlier to get back into the Party Hallway. 

Now you can walk into the Party Room on the left and inside will be the Trapped Girl. Oswald will ask her if she has seen his Dad anywhere. The Girl will say she heard a noise coming from the vent next to the Party Table.

How To Finish Five Nights at Freddy’s: Into the Pit

Oswald will finally see his dad strapped to a chair by rope. He will attempt to free his Father, but someone is at the door so Oswald will go hide. Yellow Rabbit will take Dad out of the room.

Yellow Rabbit took Oswald’s Dad to the Ball Pit room. Head to the Ball Pit and there will be a cutscene where Oswald punches Yellow Rabbit and jumps into the pit bringing his Father. Quickly press the action button as Oswald takes his Fahter out of the pit.

five nights at freddy's into the pit walkthrough night five

Depending on how you played the game there will be a certain ending. If you played through just the Main Objectives you will get a Bad Ending.

To get the Good Ending you will have to succeed in the quick time event in the Ball Pit room and have collected all Dad’s items and the Strange Photo. Once you return to Jeff’s Pizza there is another quick time event and if you succeed in that one as well it will give you the Good Ending.

There are multiple different endings to Five Nights at Freddy’s: Into the Pit. To get the True Ending you’d have to do all collectibles and finish all mini-games including the secret ones.

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