Since 2013



Silent Hill Images Leak Online Hinting At New U.K. Setting

The Silent Hill IP although beloved has not been shown that same attention from publisher Konami for nearly a decade. With the last major installment years behind as the firm did release a Pachinko machine based on the franchise, it does not leave fans excited for what the future might hold for the series. Last year, Video Game Chronicles did report that a new, unannounced game was in the pipeline and would be revealed by the summer.

Evidently with surprise from a credible outlet, the title never made a reveal. What is even more surprising is that Gematsu also went on later to corroborate a new game is in development. In the report, the publication told the title is underway with Sony Interactive Entertainment backing the new project.

In a new string of rumors, @AutheticGamer1 AKA Dusk Golem has returned with new information about Silent Hill. At least gathered from users on ResetEra (before the images were removed by Twitter “by the copyright holder” suggests the game is set in Britain.

What signifies the game to be set in Europe is a nod from text that was transcribed from the wall on one image reading “he’s not the Messiah, he’s a very naughty boy”. The phrase was narrowed down to be a quote from Monty Python’s The Life of Brian which summarizes the roots for this new title to be set in the United Kingdom this time around.

Dusk Golem elsewhere on ResetEra while hesitant on sharing more due to the new source for this information does believe its legitimacy. Namely, the hesitation is more to withhold very spoiling information when/if the game ships. “I’ll mention there’s a LOT more I’m not sharing, but for now I believe it’s best to keep it vague until it’s properly revealed for spoilers & surprises sake. I also was given proof this is real, though this is from a relatively new source for me.”

The user in the past has previously leaked information similar to the release of Resident Evil 8. In April 2020, fragments of claims from the leaker alongside corroborating details from Biohazardcast suggested the new game to be featured in a neighboring village of a medieval castle set in the snow-covered setting which we later know to be true.

More interesting is that Dusk Golem previously spoke on Silent Hill which went on to be backed from other sources. While the projects has yet to be revealed, it was told multiple teams are working on new projects for the Silent Hill IP. You can read the full report by heading here.

What are you most hopeful from this new Silent Hill leak?

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