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Sonic 4 comes to theaters in March 2027

Paramount Pictures has already announced that Sonic the Hedgehog 4 will come to theaters in 2027. Today, it was announced that Sonic 4 will come to theaters on March 19, 2027.

The Sonic movie series has been very successful for Paramount and Sega. Sonic the Hedgehog 3 over the last weekend reached over $420 million at the global box office. It has now beaten Sonic 2 at the box office where it made $402 million in 2022.

The Sonic franchise has collectively surpassed $1 billion in box office sales worldwide since the release of the first Sonic film.

Who Will Be In Sonic the Hedgehog 4?

The ending of Sonic the Hedgehog 3 sets up for a great fourth film. The post-credit scene reveals Metal Sonic and Amy will be making an appearance in the next movie. It remains to be seen who will be voice acting Amy and it might be a while until we find that information out. Paramount took its time to announce Keanu as Shadow the Hedgehog.

It’s uncertain if Jim Carrey will return for the next Sonic film based on the movie’s ending. The actor has not been known to do three movies let alone four. Carrey has said he enjoys making the movies and is open to returning for another Sonic movie.

The Sonic movies have no question been a success and it’ll be tough to top this series. Five Nights At Freddy’s 2 is set to hit theaters in December 2025. The horror video game adaptation did very well at the box office with its first film in 2023.

Are you excited to see Sonic 4?

Source: Variety

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