Since 2013



Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End Appears To Be The Next Game Coming To PC, New Financial Report Shows

Although Sony Interactive Entertainment has further backed its pursuit to supply ample releases for the newest PlayStation hardware, the company appears to be going in a new direction which also benefits the PC user base. In that, the firm is aiming to deliver some of its unique release to the platform over the course of the coming months. Originally, the firm stated to kick off this new trend with Days Gone upon entering the summer.

But prior to that, there were two other titles that lit the fuse initially. One being Guerrilla Games’ Horizon Zero Dawn. At the time, it was farlandish to even presume the PlayStation firm to aim for a different platform that’s not its own – especially to follow the footsteps of its competitor Microsoft. However, that trend also continued with Kojima Productions’ Death Stranding a few months after as well.

In a new financial report for Sony Interactive Entertainment, the firm is keeping its word on further exploring its additions to PC. More specifically, Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End appears to be the next game on the list. You can view the slide in the image below:

What also appears on the same slide is Sony Interactive Entertainment’s aim to deliver a similar program for the mobile platform as well. While not officially announced – alike Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End for PC – the PlayStation company in one job listing shares to be pursuing a new initiative for its first-party lineup to also be featured on smart phones as well. But, there is no direct distinction as to how Sony Interactive Entertainment will tackle the new aim.

One report from Nikkie, and transcribed by Video Game Chronicles, might hold the answer to that: cloud gaming. While both projects are still in its infancy, Sony Interactive Entertainment President & CEO Jim Ryan did comment on the exclusivity of the its cloud service for PlayStation devices – and presumed platforms. Perhaps the firm is also forming its own cloud-based ecosystem alike Microsoft already established?

In regards to PC once again, Sony Interactive Entertainment did have the opportunity to take on PC much earlier. As per documents released from the Epic Games v. Apple case, it reveals that the Fortnite company at one point offered Sony Interactive Entertainment roughly $200 million to port 4 – 6 PlayStation titles to PC, but Sony Interactive Entertainment turned down the offer. You can read the full report by heading here.

Would you play Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End on PC?

Source: Sony

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